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Physical checks can be sent to:

Decibells, c/o Martha DiLorenzo

895 Barwick Court

Painesville, Ohio 44077

Decibells is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt corporation and relies entirely on donations from individuals and sponsors. 

Thank you to our generous supporters!


Clappers ($100+)

Kelly and Bill Minnick

Michelle Lastovka

Kathy and Joe Petrarca

John and Martha DiLorenzo

Dale and Diane Mitchell

David and Becky Nightingale

Debbie Diadiun

Darlene Williams

Richard and Nan Norton

Jackie Hill

Peg and Mike Lucas

The many anonymous donors at our concert!


Springs ($50 - 99)

Tom Smith

Jane Nightingale


Casings ($20-49)

Thomas McLaughlin

Sally Byler Kanagy

Marilyn Rayer Courtwright

Carolyn Sechnick

Lori and Mike Mekinda

Dawn and Terry Ross

Nancy and Stephen Fisher

Diane Keenan 


The ringers contributed over $400 to the purchase of new mallets. Thank you all!


Help us buy bells!!!! Decibells is currently seeking donations to purchase bells. We are unable to fulfil our outreach goals without owning the bells. New bells cost $35000! We are hoping to purchase a used set next year with your help! Please donate today! 


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